

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Precious Poms

(Cue infomercial voice-over) Forget boring, out-dated party and wedding decor! Spice up a room or your wedding reception with Poms!
Ok, but seriously;
These precious little (or medium, or large!) poofs are elegant and pretty with a touch of whimsy! And guess what? They're SOOO easy to make! I'll tell you how later!

Irving Jane

This is Irving Jane. Now before you say ANYTHING, let me clarify that I am completely aware that traditionally "Irving" is a masculine name. I understand this and have reconciled this within myself. That being said, I feel the need to explain WHY her name is Irving and not something a bit more suitable for a pretty little girl pup like "Daisy" or "Lilly". If you've ever seen the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's," there is no need for you to read further. You already know why. If you have NOT, well, shame on you! Stop what you're doing, yes, YOU with that little mouse in your hand, and find that movie. I promise, you will not be disappointed!

Anyway, Irving was brought to Chris and I by a friend who had, let's say "rescued" her from a home that was abusing her. After realizing he was not financially capable of caring for her, he brought her to our house and asked if we wanted her. Obviously we said yes! Soon after, Irving was spay and given her puppy shots and came to live with us! She is such a joy in our lives. So loving and intelligent!

Formal Introductions


Let me formally introduce myself by saying, a.) I've never "Blogged" before ( I have no idea what on earth I'm doing),  b.) I love all things beautiful and c.) Creating is a passion of mine.

I was born and raised in a little town in central Missouri. When I was 23, I packed up my car and drove to College Station, Texas where I found a waitressing job and an apartment. Now I'm 26 years old, engaged to a loyal and handsome enterpaneur, and working at a retirement home as the Director of Resident Programs. Life can change so quickly can't it?

I enjoy making jewelry, "crafting," drawing and painting, taking and editing photographs and pretty much anything that requires creativity and beauty. I hope you enjoy my creations as much as I've enjoyed creating them!